Saturday, May 10, 2008

05.13.08 Misc

...Consumer debt rose at a rate of over $15 billion in March, according to the Fed. Economists overall had been expecting an increase of about $6 billion. Consumers are having to borrow more to maintain their lifestyles and pay the bills. Folks have been using credit cards increasingly as banks have tightened their lending standards. Many people were living paycheck to paycheck back in the good old days when gas was $2 a gallon.
UN Alert: One-fourth Of World's Wheat At Risk From New Fungus. 05.13.08.
One of the smartest guys in hell. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to the wise guys of this world, according to the Bible. This is just another example.
And another televangelist apologizes for his beliefs "...out of a desire to advance a greater unity among Catholics and evangelicals in promoting the common good...". And what is that 'common good'? Apparently, trying to get the Republican candidate elected to the White House, a candidate who openly ridiculed people like Mr. Hagee the last time around on the election trail. But now Mr. McCain is the man and he needs to exploit the Christian base.
...The media have persistently tried to make Mr. Hagee into Mr. McCain's Rev. Wright. Mr. Hagee is trying to short circuit those efforts.

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