Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And another step closer to the Mark

Now a UN report is advocating replacing the U.S. dollar as the world's standard currency.
The report said a new reserve system "must not be based on a single currency or even multiple national currencies but instead, should permit the emission of international liquidity -- such as SDRs -- to create a more stable global financial system."
The currency used in the end time Beast system is likely to be some sort of electronic unit, much like the IMF's SDR. Gold bugs will end up disappointed. The Beast system has been trying to free itself from the restraints of a hard money system for years. Money will be whatever they say it is...and people won't be able to buy or sell without access (the mark) to their system in the end.
The Bible says that no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have the mark. What will you do if all financial transactions are conducted within a secure computer network, a world wide web, so to speak, and you cannot access that network without the biometric identifiers it requires? It's later than most folks think.
For God so loved the world, that he gave is only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16.
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Romans 10: 9,10.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Closer to the Mark

One small step for mankind, one giant step closer to the coming Mark. Just wanted to bookmark this.
White House Preparing National Online ID Plan. It's later than you think, folks. I have long postulated that the mark will be a biometric ID that folks will be required to have to log onto central computer systems to buy or sell. See my earlier articles on this and the End Time Events blogs.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

THE QUIET COUP...The Atlantic. This is an in-depth look at why we have arrived where we are. The author is about as connected as one can get, which is what makes the article all the more interesting. Simon Johnson is a professor at MIT's Sloan School of Management, and was chief economist at the International Monetary Fund in 2007 and 2008.
...The financial sector in the U.S. market has gained such power that they have effectively captured our government is Professor Johnson's stark conclusion. Read this article for a very different look at the crisis and the players. "If the IMF's staff could speak freely about the U.S., it would tell us what it tells all countries in this situation: recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform. And if we are to prevent a true depression, we are running out of time."
A WORLD CURRENCY MOVES NEARER AFTER TIM GEITHNER'S SLIP...The Telegraph.Co.UK. March 24, 2009, President Obama, in response to a question regarding the China's floating the idea of a new world currency, "I don't believe there is a need for a global currency." March 25, 2009, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, " I understand his (Zhou Xaiochuan, People's Bank of China Governor) proposal, it's a proposal designed to increase the use of the IMF's special drawing rights - and we're actually quite open to that."
THE G20 MOVES THE WORLD A STEP CLOSER TO A GLOBAL CURRENCY...The Telegraph.Co.UK. 'In effect, the G20 leaders have activate the IMF's power to create money and begin "quantitative easing". In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body.'
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced the creation of 'a new world order' at the conclusion of the G20 summit.
And Tony Blair wants to be the first permanent President of the EU.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

06.05.08 Inflation Data; Tracking Cell Phone Users

The U.S. computes its inflation data differently from the rest of the world in at least three ways, according to Bill Gross, PIMCO Funds bond guru. If you have had the misfortune to buy groceries or put gas in the tank over the past year or two, your inflation experiences vary quite a bit from the official government figures, which don't have to take those pesky food or fuel numbers into account. The first paragraph or two of the article qualifies as a pretty good rant, but is unfortunately true. Good read. Here's one sentence from the opening rant: "We have for so long now been willing to be entertained rather than informed, that we more or less accept majority opinion, perpetually shaped by ratings obsessed media, at face value."
Researchers secretly tracked the locations of 100,000 people outside the United States through their cell phone use and concluded that most people rarely stray more than a few miles from home. As important as that tidbit of information might be - who needs a study to know that? The implications of the ability to track and monitor movements of the citizenry are unsettling.
...The surveillance society is alive and well - so is the threat to individual freedom and privacy as we enter these end times. The beast is becoming more visible as we venture further into this brave new world.
...Folks who make their living pounding computer keyboards at work have long been aware that their every keystroke can be monitored. Employers can track how many keystrokes were made in any one minute or hour. At one job I had, management's reports included production numbers broken down into thirty minute segments. I once heard a manager mention to another employee that he noticed she had not made a keystroke in ten minutes at one point in the previous hour and wanted to make sure she was not having some sort of problem. She explained that she had to go to the bathroom.
...Speaking of which, there are even some companies that require their employees to wear RFID identification which can monitor all their movements on the property, including keeping track of the number of bathroom visits and the elapsed time of those visits.
...When all the states buckle under and line up with increasingly stringent standards on new drivers licenses, all in the name of protecting us from terrorism, it will be at least theoretically possible for monitoring stations to pick up on RFID information contained in your driver's license as you pass by, and know in an instant, who you are and any other information that might be contained in your card. The technology already exists, as the above mentioned study illustrates.
...Meanwhile, though, thousands of people a day still cross our southwestern borders unmolested and untracked, and over 90% of the cargo that enters our ports is not checked. But, don't worry about that guy behind the curtain.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


"Your fingerprint's hardly personal data, because you leave it on glasses and silverware and articles all over the world." Michael Chertoff, head of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. With that startling remark, Mr. Chertoff trivializes privacy concerns.
That brings to mind another article from last year on basically the same subject. Mr. Chertoff spoke at the International Data Protection and Privacy commissioner's meeting last year in Montreal, Quebec. But the group found his remarks to be far from comforting. Mr. Chertoff called for greater surveillance by governments of their private citizens and the collection of ever increasing amounts of data in the name of security. According to the article, Mr. Chertoff's vision is of a broad surveillance society with massive databases of biometric data collected from hundreds of millions of people.
For those of us who have had to endure the seemingly endless security lines at airports, and all the other things that make flying such a joy these days, you might enjoy an excellent article titled 'The View From Gate 14' by Peggy Noonan that neatly encapsulates the frustrations. Some people have suggested that part of the whole is process is getting people conditioned to being herded around in public settings.
And along the same lines, here's one on 'Homeland Security Newspeak' in the online Wall Street Journal. According to the article, the U.S. DHS thinks it is a bad idea to use the word 'liberty' when describing our foreign policy goals. Get this quote from the article: "The struggle is for progress, over which no nation has a monopoly. The experts we consulted debated the word 'liberty', but rejected it because many around the world would discount the term as a buzzword for American hegemony. But all people want to support 'progress'..." This from the same minds that decided to change the Global War on Terror terminology to the Global Struggle for Security and Progress.
To some, our government's efforts would be more believable if they showed the same concern about securing our borders with Mexico as they do in collecting biometric data from everyone else. When literally thousands of people can cross a border every day without being challenged, it makes the rest of it seem as if there might be another agenda at work. We are supposed to believe that our government cannot keep people from crossing that border; they cannot stop the flow of illegal drugs into this country; but they can keep the terrorists out, apparently mostly by collecting biometric data, building databases, and herding people through security lines at airports.
Earlier this year, Heathrow Airport installed a new security system for passengers who visit the international lounge at the airport before boarding their flights, or passengers who arrive on an international flight and transfer to a domestic one. Those passengers now have to undergo iris scans and fingerprinting.
All of the above is logical and explainable. And it is all leading toward the global system that will be part of the end-time Beast system. The Beast system will feature a world wide computer network that will require all participants to provide biometric identification in order to access the system. All financial transactions will be conducted in the network. I have covered this more extensively in my blog that focuses on end times events.
...In summary, most people seem to think that the mark of the beast referred to in Revelation will be a chip implanted under the skin. Although the technology exists to do that, and it might have limited application in the future, that is not going to be the 'mark'. Just think about it. The logistics of trying to implant every man, woman and child on the planet, not to mention all the thousands who are being born around the world every second, would be mind boggling even if it were possible - and it is not. How much easier and better to have a central system that requires anyone who wants to conduct any kind of financial transaction - and that would be pretty much everybody except in the poorest, most remote locations on the globe - to log on to the Beast system.
...The system has been moving into place step by step. Each step is logical and convenient. Electronic payment transfers, direct deposit, debit and credit cards are all logical improvements over previous methods of conducting financial transactions, and there is nothing evil about them - many people routinely use them, including me. But they also have the effect of conditioning people. Most people will never be aware that they are signing onto the Beast system when it comes. Many of the same people who are afraid of the number 666 and being 'forced' to take the chip, will happily sign up for the new system.
...People will have to accept the terms of an agreement to access the system. That is commonplace now. Every time one installs a new software program or update, that is standard operating procedure. But there will be something in that agreement that will keep true Christians from being able to sign up. The problem with that is that even most Christians seem to be blissfully unaware of the times in which they live. And the false teachings about the Rapture doctrine, which have become prevalent in this generation, lull many into a false sense of security.
There are anecdotal reports from different parts of the country about how the effects of higher oil and food prices are finally starting to show. It had to at some point. Many people have always lived paycheck to paycheck, even people who make really good money. When people who were scraping by in the good old days of $1.50 gas now are faced with $4.00 gas and double digit food price hikes and higher utility bills, something has to give.
...Remember how we used to hear about the 'consumer driven economy'? When was the last time you heard that term? It seems to have disappeared.
Much of the final beast system is financially related. The Bible also says that the debtor is servant to the lender, and the rich rule over the poor. Americans have been encouraged to take on debt at record levels. We have gone in the space of a generation from being the world's largest debtor nation to being the largest creditor nation.
...When the end-time Beast system finally materializes, and that may be closer than you think, people who are over their heads in debt are going to be between a rock and a hard place, and that includes Christians. Christians who have been taught the escapist Rapture doctrine will not be prepared, spiritually or physically, for what will happen. It is one thing to believe that you may undergo persecution. It will be entirely another matter to be unable to conduct business, hold a job, or be able to buy groceries for your family. That may seem far fetched and extreme, but the last days are going to be extreme - and Christians will go through them along with everyone else.
...Getting out of debt is not only prudent in the face of what is coming, it is also a good investment if nothing happens. If your credit card has an interest rate of 18%, paying it off is effectively even more than an 18% return, since with all the taxes you pay, you have to earn well over a dollar to have a dollar to spend. For instance, if you are in the 15% tax bracket and live in a state with income tax, and a municipality with local taxes, and you pay into the Social Security system, you likely have to gross over $1.25 to have $1.00 to spend.
Read your Bible for yourself. People seem increasingly unconcerned about their eternal destination. We live in an age where there are so many religions and people doing their own thing. "Whatever works for you," seems to be the common theme. Many roads leading to heaven, even according to our President. That's one of the problems the world has with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. They are not inclusive religions. Each says they are right and everything else is wrong. That doesn't fit into our brave new world, and is a major reason that true adherents of each of these religions will be increasingly persecuted as we move forward.
...As a Christian, I believe that there is only one road to heaven, not many. The Bible says that there is one way, one mediator between man and God, and that is Jesus. When I hear people say they don't believe that, then they rattle off some bizarre belief system that makes them feel good, I am reminded about an anecdote about gravity. No one forces you to believe in gravity. You are free to reject the theory of gravity. But if you jump off a building, you will get a lesson in gravity.
...No one is forcing anyone to believe in Jesus as their Savior. People are free to believe whatever they want, however strange their beliefs may be. But there is only one way to get to heaven. Whatever decision you make regarding Jesus as Lord and Savior is going to determine where you spend eternity. That is hardly a trivial matter, but most people today seem to think that it is.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

05.13.08 Misc

...Consumer debt rose at a rate of over $15 billion in March, according to the Fed. Economists overall had been expecting an increase of about $6 billion. Consumers are having to borrow more to maintain their lifestyles and pay the bills. Folks have been using credit cards increasingly as banks have tightened their lending standards. Many people were living paycheck to paycheck back in the good old days when gas was $2 a gallon.
UN Alert: One-fourth Of World's Wheat At Risk From New Fungus. 05.13.08.
One of the smartest guys in hell. The preaching of the cross is foolishness to the wise guys of this world, according to the Bible. This is just another example.
And another televangelist apologizes for his beliefs "...out of a desire to advance a greater unity among Catholics and evangelicals in promoting the common good...". And what is that 'common good'? Apparently, trying to get the Republican candidate elected to the White House, a candidate who openly ridiculed people like Mr. Hagee the last time around on the election trail. But now Mr. McCain is the man and he needs to exploit the Christian base.
...The media have persistently tried to make Mr. Hagee into Mr. McCain's Rev. Wright. Mr. Hagee is trying to short circuit those efforts.